
“当我决定申请皇冠足彩的时候, 我非常紧张,完全不知道会发生什么. 在我第一次见到 卡洛琳半圆 史蒂夫·考金我知道我已经找到了最好的代理公司. 我立刻感到很自在地解释了我的处境. 从一开始,公司就缓解了我的担忧,降低了我的压力水平. They analyzed my situation 和 put together a sound strategy to achieve the best outcome for my divorce.

言语无法表达我对卡罗琳和史蒂夫的感激之情. 我从没觉得我的案子不重要. 卡洛琳和她的团队工作细致周到. I was updated every step of the way 和 always received a quick response to my 电子邮件s 和 phone calls 和 my concerns were addressed clearly 和 compassionately.

我完全相信在整个过程中卡洛琳总是为我着想. She is extremely knowledgeable of current tax laws 和 their implications regarding my equitable distribution 和 the outcome of my settlement. 卡洛琳为我争取到了最好的和解协议我也避免了出庭受审.

伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所把我当家人看待. 他们真诚,值得信赖. My biggest priority was my children 和 how they were h和ling all of the changes that our family was having to deal with. It was so reassuring to know that I never had to worry about my case 和 I was able to give my children the attention 和 emotional support they needed during the difficult time.


*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.


"卡洛琳半圆 顽强、博学、周密吗. She 和 her team helped me check my emotions at the door 和 h和le this as a 业务 transaction. 我经常会有问题或需要向我解释文件, 史蒂夫和本都很好地解释了事情. 这家公司很热情,支持人员也很友好、专业、乐于助人."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.


“我在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的经历非常棒. Everybody was very professional; they answered all my questions. 卡洛琳半圆 聪明,聪明,知道如何与人相处. 我认为她的优势之一是她背后的教育."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.


"I spent weeks searching 和 interviewing attorneys in 皇冠足彩网 和 in all the surrounding areas looking for experienced go getter attorneys to h和le my case. The firm took on my losing case against a behemoth of a DSS agency who think they can just do whatever they want to you 和 your family. 在我亲眼目睹了他们的能力之后, 以我在这家公司的经验来看, I have absolutely no regrets in choosing the 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 professionals to h和le my case.

从一开始, 卡洛琳半圆 和 her associates spent the necessary time to listen to me 和 my story to underst和 all of the underlying issues. The firm constantly kept me abreast 和 clearly explained to me all of the developments on my case. 之后他们会解释, 他们甚至会问我个人的意见,我希望如何处理这种情况. Seeing an attorney that values your opinion 和 wishes as the client is an absolute delight as I have found from all my previous litigation experiences that this is highly unusual to see from most attorneys or firms.

在我的案例中,我还与多个支持人员一起工作, 比如Amy Setzer, 和谁一起工作非常出色,非常愉快. She was methodical in her approach to taking on my extremely complicated 和 convoluted case where in the end she actually made it easy to underst和 和 not so complicated.

卡罗琳·伍德拉夫是一位非常聪明的诉讼律师,为她的客户努力工作. 我肯定会的, 毫无保留, 全力推荐卡罗琳, 还有她的其他幼崽 & 国内有执照的律师,给任何认真保护家庭权利的人."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

T. D.2017年11月27日

当我们相遇时 Jon Csuka他仔细检查了婚前协议的所有内容,很快就把文件交给了我们. 他知道自己在做什么,也知道我们在做什么. 他会在我没有回应的时候跟进我,并一直盯着我, 确保我们把一切都做好了."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.


“如果用五星来衡量,我将把我的整体体验评为 Jon Csuka 作为五岁的孩子. Jon was very good at explaining the various ways to look at an issue in a way that made me think more constructively about my case. He advocated for what I wanted 和 did a great job at getting me to see different aspects of my case 和 how they could potentially affect me in a way that I couldn’t have on my own. 我会向别人推荐伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"卡洛琳半圆 很好吗. 我们觉得卡洛琳总体上希望我们赢得这场官司,她的努力也反映了这一点. The creative thinking she demonstrated--looking at things from a different perspective-- is something we feel was crucial to our outcome.*我们无法表达我们对伍德拉夫家庭法全体员工的感激之情. 我们觉得我们的问题在合理的时间内得到了回答, 更重要的是, 我们觉得与我们接触的每个人都既熟练又有知识. We know there are so many others at the office who played important roles in our case 和 we feel just as grateful to the unsung heroes as well. 我们知道我们不是他们唯一的案子,但我们总觉得我们是. 我们是皇冠足彩app的忠实粉丝."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"Love the atmosphere at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所; Friendly, welcoming….我记得有一天我来的不是时候,有人请我吃午饭,真是太贴心了. 我喜欢第一次见面 卡洛琳半圆 史蒂夫·考金 都在里面. Steve made a lot of eye contact with me 和 asked a lot of questions; Steve was engaged with me a little more, 而卡洛琳在学习——她真的很投入眼前的一切. 我认为他们两个之间的平衡很好. 也, Carolyn looks into the facts of the case—beyond the emotion; she’s not out to just fight or just to win for wins sake. 这是关于努力做公平的事情,这是一个很好的品质. 我会推荐伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所,他们很棒."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"卡洛琳半圆 在数量和整体战略上是否非常强大. 她有非常好的宏观商业估值技巧. 她也可以期待一个可能的最终结果. 卡洛琳还擅长推动我的事情. 我的问题相当复杂...她知道什么是重要的,什么是无意义的消遣. 卡洛琳尽可能地支持我,但总是私下告诉我什么是现实的. 史蒂夫·考金 也擅长数字吗, but he is better at reminding clients not to sweat the small stuff 和 keep focused on the end result."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“我以为 Jon Csuka 非常理解. 他确实让人放心, 但不做任何保证或承诺, 他不一定能保留, 你知道. 当我第一次走进乔恩的办公室, 我就像是…迷路了, 你知道, 我不知道该怎么办. 我当时处境艰难,只是想保证孩子们的安全. 我得到了很多好的建议,最终得到了我想要的结果."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"卡洛琳半圆 非常专业,非常有帮助, 因为这是我第一次做这种事, 她使我放松了. 我最喜欢的是她告诉我该期待什么, 会发生什么,然后我们讨论了选项. 我选择了其中的一个,她建议我们应该考虑一下. We talked some more 和 I went with the option she suggested 和 that’s the one that worked the best. 她非常乐于助人. Carolyn was very pleasant 和 put my wife 和 myself at ease the very first time we talked to her."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“我喜欢 乔恩·Csuka的 坦率、直觉和对法院系统的全面了解. 他的沟通能力很强,尤其是在跟进方面. 同时,我也很欣赏他的灵活性. 乔恩知道我时间紧迫, 和 made sure to have a quick turnaround; his timeliness was spot on. 他制定了策略,尽量减少我的处境带来的负面影响,并且绝对支持我. 乔恩太棒了."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“两 卡洛琳半圆 她的律师助理, 史蒂夫·考金,都是独一无二的. 卡洛琳聪明、狡猾、犀利,史蒂夫·考金也不甘落后. 他们俩都很聪明,很优秀."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“我独特的需求和情况得到了很好的解决 卡洛琳半圆. 她对法律多方面的了解, 包括家庭, 业务, 还有税法, 很明显,她在这个市场已经很长时间了. 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的全体员工都非常好. 尽管他们的生意并不如意, 他们做得很好,努力让客户感到轻松和舒适."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"卡洛琳半圆 是既辉煌又顽强. 她在金融和会计方面的背景令人惊叹. 尤其是结合了 史蒂夫·考金卡洛琳是该公司的律师助理之一,她确保了整个事件的真相大白. I never doubted her ability to st和 her ground 和 remain in control; she had my back 和 went above & 把我的最大利益放在心上. 考虑到情况, my time with 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 was the best experience I could have hoped for; they helped me to stay sane."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“两 卡洛琳半圆 史蒂夫·考金 were about their 业务; we love that about them. 卡洛琳在法律方面的智慧(不仅仅是知识)对我们来说是一个很大的安慰. 同样,史蒂夫也很悠闲,并给出了有价值的指导. We appreciate the attention to detail given to the case 和 were reassured that the firm was there for us. 有一件事是关于其中一个孩子的紧急情况, 他们让我拿一张表格给我的律师. 我在皇冠足彩app(伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所)等他们开门,一位工作人员向我打招呼. 他们把我们领进去,给我们提供了一个房间和饮料,直到卡洛琳到达. 每个人都很友好,公司也很舒适. 以后,我会推荐大家到我们公司来."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“物有所值是我回到伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的原因之一. 我的经历远远超出了我的预期. 处理 Jon Csuka尤其是,非常棒. 他的态度和方法始终如一, 以及专业和彻底, 非常注重细节. 在与对方律师谈判时,他总是保持公正. I was always contacted right away with any critical information 和 was included in the decision-making process. 向他人推荐时, 伍德拉夫总是我脱口而出的第一个名字, 乔恩是我让他们联系的人."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“在家庭法中,不仅要了解法律,还要了解人,这一点非常重要. 乔纳森Csuka 有这样的经历吗?. He underst和s what motivates people 和 the type of thinking behind a person’s decisions 和 requests. 无论是通过电话, 电子邮件, 或面对面, 乔恩很容易沟通,解释得很好. 他确保我在冥想前做好了准备, 这帮助我调整了我的期望,感觉更放松. 乔恩工作勤奋,擅长他所做的事情. 我已经推荐朋友联系公司."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"I chose 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 for both their good online reviews 和 readily available appointments. 最终, I’m glad I did; despite my circumstance of dealing with a child custody case, 我有一次愉快的经历. 每次我来到这家公司,我都觉得员工们已经为我做好了准备. 我受到了礼貌的问候, 坐在一个适合家庭的房间里, 受到了专业和礼貌的对待. 我的律师, 乔纳森Csuka他懂法律,有道德,不会说我想听的话. 尽管一些细节在当时似乎令人担忧, 我一直很欣赏他坦率的态度和寻找新解决方案的努力. 乔恩的助理律师,很有同情心. 他对我的需求反应非常积极,并以非常好的方式与我沟通."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“对我来说, 重要的是要有一个知识渊博的律师,知道他们在谈论什么; 乔纳森Csuka 从未达不到这个标准. I knew the degree of Jon’s expertise from day one when he did not have to "get back to me" about any of my questions; he knew right away. 我所有的需求都得到了满足,我感到得到了支持. 即使是在结账时,业务经理, 斯蒂芬妮·格里芬他总是迅速地回答我的问题,而且很有耐心. 我认为一分钱一分货, 这也反映了我在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的宝贵经验."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"I chose 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 for both their good online reviews 和 readily available appointments. 最终, I’m glad I did; despite my circumstance of dealing with a child custody case, 我有一次愉快的经历. 每次我来到这家公司,我都觉得员工们已经为我做好了准备. 我受到了礼貌的问候, 坐在一个适合家庭的房间里, 受到了专业和礼貌的对待. 我的律师, 乔纳森Csuka他懂法律,有道德,不会说我想听的话. 尽管一些细节在当时似乎令人担忧, 我一直很欣赏他坦率的态度和寻找新解决方案的努力. 乔恩的助理律师,很有同情心. 他对我的需求反应非常积极,并以非常好的方式与我沟通."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“我们的案子涉及监护权,而且很复杂. 我们做了大量的研究来确定北卡罗来纳州最好的律师事务所. 我们需要保护我们的孙子和女儿. 皇冠足彩app的团队工作完全和谐和同步. 卡洛琳半圆 给了我们明确的方向,让我们知道该怎么做. 我发现伍德拉夫知识渊博,很有爱心."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"卡洛琳半圆 斗牛犬有爱心吗."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

"卡洛琳半圆的 耐心、理解和同情使我在与她和她的公司合作时感到满意. 毫无疑问,她知道自己在做什么. The staff 和 atmosphere at the Woodruff Family Law office were very welcoming 和 made me feel right at home. 我对服务质量非常满意."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“我走进伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所(Woodruff Family Law Office)的时候,身边已经是一团乱麻,酝酿了好几年. 卡洛琳半圆 能够理解我的档案,并建立一个强有力的案例来支持我. 当她参与其中时,就不存在及时性和效率问题. Carolyn’s no-nonsense, straight-forward approach never leaves you guessing as to what is going on. 她善于倾听,聪明,经营着一家充满支持和热情的律师事务所."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.

“我在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所有过很好的工作经验,我会完全推荐他们. 尽管这个案子似乎没有解决的希望, 卡洛琳半圆 能在四个月内解决我的案子吗*. 用卡洛琳的话来说,“我们要把它带回家。.她照做了. 公司的热情好客, 在一般情况下, is great; I am always greeted by name 和 attended to promptly. 卡洛琳半圆的 evident ability to communicate with both her clients 和 other attorneys makes me confident that she will get something done when she says it will be."

*根据《皇冠足彩网》, the results of this client under their specific facts may differ from your results under the facts of your case.